Thursday, April 19, 2007

Annual Conference 2006 Redux

A Change of Pace

The FLA Conference provides a much needed change of pace for librarians, students and graduate assistants.

By trade, librarians have the responsibility of assisting patrons and helping them find information that is of importance to them. It does not matter whether they are researching for personal, professional, instructional, or educational purposes. Without the librarian and their knowledge of materials and information, most users would be lost in the vast array of information available to them.

The FLA Conference attendees’ experience was just the opposite. There, librarians and librarians in training were like the patrons surrounded by a vast amount of information. We found ourselves, seeking other librarians for assistance…the librarians who organized the conference. However, because of careful planning, new attendees were able to find the information most important to them very quickly. We were also able to determine which sessions would be more beneficial because of careful planning.

As a student, it was a great experience. The FLA Conference was an opportunity to provide a different look at the profession we are being introduced to. Most memorable was, students were greeted and welcomed like the other librarians and library professionals. Students were also able to see the skills of competent librarians in action. Students observed librarians pull it all together with instruction, information, pamphlets, etc. Also while observing the speakers, students were introduced to the instructional portion of the profession.

For graduate assistants, who are somewhat in-between the status of a student and a librarian, the FLA Conference was a wonderful experience. For those with experience working the reference desk, the vendor display is a fascinating experience. Visiting the vendor booths provides the opportunity to meet many of the database representatives that are utilized for assistance in helping our patrons. Viewing the vendor displays also provides insight into the latest innovations and tools of the librarian trade.

Attending the FLA Conference is a true learning experience. It is one where the learning can be taken and utilized in future contacts with colleagues and patrons.

"A Change of Pace" was written by Will Tarver, USF SLIS Graduate Student and USF Tampa Library Graduate Assistant, June 2006. Contact Will at

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